
ANDHealth’s annual event series is designed to bring thought leaders on current topics together into interactive virtual and hybrid events to promote knowledge and understanding around key issues and sector-wide trends and opportunities.
From deep dives into specific need-areas to one day global summits and international delegations, ANDHealth’s event series brings the world of digital health to the Australian sector.


One of the key benefits of the ANDHealth+ program was that it was tailored to the needs of Vitalic Medical including our advisory panel. The advisory panel provided ongoing objective guidance on our business throughout the program helping to ensure we were focused in the right areas and on the right activities.
Sue Dafnias
CEO, Vitalic
The major difference I noted was the personalised nature to which the ANDHealth program is built. This ensured that we were not forced through standardised programs, expected to follow pre-ordained paths or work with professional generalists.
Charles Cornish
Executive Vice President, DoseMeRx (acquired by US-based Tabula Rasa HealthCare for up to AUD $40 million)
Digital health is an industry that often falls through the gaps between traditional software companies and biotech and the implications of this include lack of investor understanding, lack of commercialisation support and lack of industry expertise. ANDHealth goes a long way to solving these challenges by connecting digital health companies with leading stakeholders across all these groups and working to facilitate common understanding on how to work together.
Scott Taylor
CEO and Co-Founder, Perx Health
We have been part of numerous innovation communities including corporate incubators and VC-backed tech-accelerators. However, only ANDHealth+ has the deep expertise and commercial partnerships to truly understand a health-tech business and the unique hurdles they face to commercialise and find their path to market. Further, ANDHealth+ can be a trusted advisor with a clear mandate to help your business without competing interests.
Hugo Rourke
Co-Founder, Perx Health
ANDHealth provided Atmo with valuable digital health expertise and advice at a critical early-stage in the venture, which ultimately improved our ability to raise seed funding.
Malcom Hebblewhite
CEO, Atmo Biosciences
The ANDHealth team found the people and support we needed at the time we needed it. More than an accelerator, ANDHealth became an ongoing extension of my inner circle - a circle that helped me obtain a successful exit to a NASDAQ listed digital healthcare company.
Charles Cornish
Executive Vice President, DoseMeRx (acquired by US-based Tabula Rasa HealthCare for up to AUD $40 million)
The ANDHealth+ program was different to any other incubator and support we had received in the past. It was specific to the industry we were operating in - one that is particularly difficult to commercialise successfully in Australia - and our panel were experts. Blunt and honest in their feedback, they forced us to rethink our entire business model and value proposition.
Pete Saunders
Director, Health Delivered
The collective experience and resources brought by the program have enabled us to achieve pivotal milestones in commercialisation and clinical evidence generation and, as such, has enabled us to begin our global distribution, none of which would have been possible without our participation in the ANDHealth+ program.
Dr Raghav Murali-Ganesh
Co-Founder and President, CancerAid

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