Our Model

ANDHealth’s model:

Harness the power of the collective
  • Cross-sectoral & multi-disciplinary speakers & advisory teams
  • Proven track records
  • Design, development and/ or implementation experience
  • Negotiation of Commercial Agreements at Scale
  • Significant Capital Raising in digital health
Not about start ups
  • Proven ability to support companies throughout the commercialisation pathway
  • Successful support to navigate systemic barriers to commercialisation
  • Proven outcomes in scaling companies globally
  • Policy advocacy to remove barriers to commercialisation and adoption
Working backwards
  • Company specific gap analysis from both investor & enterprise customer perspectives
  • Tailored program delivery to each group of participants
  • Needs-specific, skills-based coaching, expert speakers and events
No-Equity & Non-Profit
  • Able to act in the best interest of participant companies due to no impact on ANDHealth balance sheet.
  • No set valuations & no conflict of interest when advising on go/ no-go decisions.
  • No passive commercial gain for industry partners. Members derive benefit from participation.
  • Focused on and committed to delivering value.
VC Led
  • Model derived from deep buy-side & corporate development experience, including one of Australia’s largest digital health company IPO's.

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