About us

About ANDHealth

Australia’s leading provider of accelerator, incubator and commercialisation programs for digital health technology companies.
Since 2017 ANDHealth has worked with over 400 digital health companies across Australia.

We have unique capabilities in technology identification, assessment and the design and delivery of programs proven to accelerate the commercialisation of digital health technologies and the scale-up of Australian digital health companies.

ANDHealth addresses a gap in the Australian Innovation landscape: to provide programs and commercial support to companies in the dynamic, emerging digital health sector.

Our unique non-profit industry-led model supports Australian digital health companies to navigate the commercialisation pathway from ideation to institutional investment and international market entry through highly specific programs and expert support, creating a growth sector which delivers highly skilled jobs, creates economic opportunity and delivers health outcomes for all Australians.

Corporate Members

Members & Partners
Our Corporate Member network represents a unique multi-sectorial, multi-disciplinary group which works collaboratively to bring proven and demonstrable expertise to the companies we work with.

About Digital Health

Digital Health
Digital health is a fast-growing sector characterised by the use of digital technologies, either alone or in combination with physical products, to treat, diagnose, cure, mitigate and/or prevent disease or other conditions. It includes Health IT – but is not limited to it.

We subscribe to the US FDA’s definition of digital health,
which includes:
  • Mobile health (mHealth)
  • Health information technology (Health IT/e-health)
  • Connected and wearable devices
  • Telehealth and telemedicine
  • Personalised and precision medicine
Digital Medicines & Digital Therapeutics
Digital Health is a broad category that encompasses Digital Medicine, which in turn includes Digital Therapeutics.
Different levels of claims
Different levels of risk
Different evidence requirements.
Digital Medicine: high-quality hardware or software technologies as tools for measurement and intervention of human health.

Digital Therapeutics: high-quality software (may also include hardware) to deliver evidence-based therapeutic interventions that prevent, manage, or treat a health condition.

How we measure success

Our success is best demonstrated by the outcomes achieved by the companies we work with and the testimonials we receive from around Australia and the globe.

We have delivered over 1500 hours of tailored support to the Australian digital health sector since incorporating in March 2017 and our flagship incubator alumni companies have generated significant commercial outcomes.
Cohort Company Outcomes:
MTPConnect Funded Pilot ANDHealth+ Incubator = 10 Companies 
(9 companies continuing & reporting. 1 company advised to pursue alternative path)
Cohort company outcomes reported to ANDHealth (as at December 2021) | FY18 Cohort onboarded Oct 2017 | FY19 Cohort onboarded Sept 2018. 
Raised (dilutive & non-dilutive)
New Revenue
New jobs (FTEs)
New CxO Roles
Commercial pilots commenced
Clinical trials and studies commenced
New international
market launches
New commercial customers
New patients served
New operational sites
New partnerships formed
New product releases

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